Straw and Residual Biomass
as an Environmentally Friendly
Energy and Raw Material Source
For Municipality and Industry
Our offer for you: Everything from one source - from the field to the heat
For you as a municipality, project developer and industry who plan to diversify the raw material mix for the production of heat or other products
Feasibility studies
Stakeholder and profitability analyses
Suitable technology and raw material supply for your individual project
Expand your raw material portfolio (wood chips, wood pellets and fossil fuels) to use as many regional waste materials as possible, such as straw!
For municipal heat planners, industrial companies, project developers and other medium-sized heat requirements
Local biomass in large quantities
Energy, resource and cost efficiency
Sustainability and CO2 footprint
Agricultural biomass such as straw grows annually and has great potential for use without damaging the soil. Supply chain risks and price fluctuations in the raw material markets can be reduced to the maximum
High levels of efficiency and short transport routes enable high energy efficiency. As a waste product from food production (ex. wheat), straw does not require its cultivation area, additional seeds, or chemicals for growth
Storage of solar energy through photosynthesis in the form of carbon - flexibly available in biomass! If straw remains on the field, the carbon it contains rots unused into CO2, which is why we strive to use it together with you
For Farmers
Our solutions for your challenges
For Biogas Plants
Conversion to methane production
Ensuring alternative heat supply for plant and district heating network with straw biomass
Decommissioning of biogas plant
Decommissioning of the biogas plant: Continue to operate the local heating network safely with straw biomass
Increase in heat supply
Increasing the heat supply of your site from agricultural biomass
Processed residues as valuable co-substrate without plant modification for high biogas yields
Do you recognize your challenge? Leave us a message or contact us by phone!
Heat for operations and local heating
Reduce your company's heating costs
Would you like to supply your company with heat from your own waste materials and save costs?
Use your resources regionally
Would you like to get involved in supplying heat to nearby industries or municipalities and thereby establish a new business branch?
Leave us a message or contact us by phone!
Processing & Marketing
Sales opportunities
Do you already have sales opportunities, e.g. for hay pellets, and would like to establish optimal production and costs?
Marketing opportunities
Are you looking for marketing opportunities for straw, hay, paludi, catch crops, or other?
Leave us a message or contact us by phone!
How we proceed to move you forward
We analyze your value creation potential from residual biomass & straw for adapted technologies & solutions from the field to the marketable unit and customers
We always keep an eye on humus supply, soil, environmental compatibility and biodiversity for you!
We combine the optimal technologies for you for maximum efficiency and low costs
Briquetting, pelletizing and photovoltaics (including straw or dried grass)
Heat production & district heating (loose, briquetted or pelletized biomass)
Dewatering & waste heat drying (including Paludi or grass for briquettes or pellets)
Logistics & storage solutions for voluminous biomass
You benefit from our many years of experience, market overview and partners in the structured implementation of your new, profitable business branch
You will soon find initial analyses, overviews and background information here as a basis for the implementation of your regional value chain.
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Leave us a short message with your contact details and a short description of your challenges